Niviron AI
NIVIRON AI is a company that develops AI-powered products for the healthcare industry.

Our main objectives are:
  • Dramatically reducing the time it takes to bring new technologies to market.
  • Significantly increasing the number of new technologies reaching the market.
  • Substantially reducing the costs associated with bringing new technologies to market.

To achieve these goals, we plan to create AI-powered solutions that automate the processes involved in developing and commercializing novel technologies.

Our areas of focus include:
  • Attracting funding
  • Discovering new medicines and treatments
  • Conducting preclinical testing
  • Conducting clinical trials
  • Preparing documentation for regulatory authorities
  • Developing products for healthcare investors (scouting systems)
  • Forecasting outcomes
  • Analyzing genetic data

We will integrate all our efforts in one unified workspace. We have a significant amount of work ahead, and we look forward to the next few decades.
Implemented projects
45 М$
Cost of completed projects
23 years
Experience in the field of AI
30 years
Software development experience
Created startups
Cumulative career achievements of the team
Nikita Shapovalov(СЕО)
Entrepreneur with 15 years of experience
Founder of biotech startup in the USA ( /)
More than 50 implemented projects in the field of marketing and sales
Extensive experience in:
  • Building teams
  • Launching new products
  • Introduction of new technologies into the company's business processes
  • Attracting financing
  • Marketing and sales
  • Formation of a development strategy
  • Solving various kinds of problems and situations that arise during the operation of the company»
Ivan Plotnikov
Director of Development
Entrepreneur with 12 years of experience Founder of 3 successful startups Experience in creating a specialized software developer who has become a market leader Projects worth more than $50 million have been implemented Managing teams of >70 people More than 30 major infrastructure projects have been implemented Experience of successful management of companies on 3 continents
Leader team
Ditkovsky Evgeniy
Chief product officer
More than 17 years of experience in managing development processes and projects. Founder of several startups. CEO of PROVOCATION, a company that was ranked as the #1 franchise in 2012 by Forbes. Combines managerial skills, business acumen, and technical expertise.
At the company, he is responsible for:
- Developing technologies within the organization.
- Systematizing development management processes.
- Project management.
Mikhail Leibovich
Team lead
PhD computer science and MAin cyber security More than 30 years of experience in development Working with AI and image recognition since 2001 More than 140 projects and PoC have been implemented in the field of AI and neural networks Experience in implementing AI-based projects in various industries: automotive, blockchain, network, health, etc. Participated in the creation of 10 patented solutions 23 years of experience in building and managing development teams
Development Team
Dmitry Dremov
Senior Machine Learning Engineer, Leading Data Processing Specialis
10+ years in data processing and software development as a machine learning engineer 2 years as a startup founder 5+ years of participation in DS contests, The best rating of the top 100 Kaggle Two-time winner of cash prizes of AI competitions Organizer of the professional DS community competitive mastering with more than 1000 participants
Working Group
Main team - 10 people More than 50 freelance employees with whom we work on a permanent basis More than 20 years of team experience in working with AI and neural networks A wide profile of the team: Computer vision, Optical character recognition, speech recognition and synthesis, video analytics, machine learning, etc. The total number of implemented projects is more than 1000 Proficiency in various programming languages and AI technologies, including, but not limited to, Python, Java, C++, TensorFlow, PyTorch and GPT-4
Lokotko Elizabeth
7+ years of experience in organizing business processes specializing in, biotechnology.
- Creation of more than a dozen of database concepts;
- Collection and analysis of statistical data;
- Search, transfer technology process;
- Formation of the company’s scientific advisory board, leadership teams and companies’ core teams;
- Adaptation of employees through the development of instructions;
- Creation and launch, reorganization of business processes.
Development Team (IT)
Egor Kazantsev
Head of the Technology Development Department of NP RTS (RTS Board project). Development of a trade repository for PJSC SPB. Implementation of the NSD repository format and services. Projects on the securities and derivatives markets of the Moscow Exchange, market making and algorithmic trading in the brokerage business
Team lead
Deputy General Director for Information Technology of JSC "Galaktika Center". Deputy Head of the Technology Development Department of NP RTS (RTS Board project). Project Manager at SoftLine Trade
Chief product officer (IT)
Chairman Security Products Working Group, FPML, ISDA. Member of the Board of Directors of PJSC SPB. Executive Director for the OTC market at NP RTS
Managing Director for Repository Activities, NSD. Head of the Service for Analysis and Development of New Products of PJSC MB
Find out if you can solve your problem with AI
Free first consultation with developers and an analyst on the implementation of AI
Boston Massachusetts
101 Arch Street 8th Floor, 02110 United States of America
18/1, Zarobyan Yerevan, 0009